Artist Statement

Primarily, I consider myself to be a musician and a human being. Often, however, I am referred to as being an African American, jazz musician, and composer. My infinite soul increasingly rejects all such useless restrictions and thrives on being able to reveal its presence in whatever dimension of music it is willing to explore. Music categorizations are only markers. Jazz, classical, country and western, blues and so on are much like the many categorizations of religion. They are all simply attempts—some noble, some not—to define that which, in fact, cannot be defined and need not be defined.

The source of music is sound. Sound, to varying degrees, is everywhere, and like energy and spirit, cannot be created or destroyed. Given our station as humans in the existing sphere, we are able to take a reed of grass and produce sound paintings. And with the miracle of mathematics, we have created systems of sound that can even be recorded and accessed when desired. With sound we are able to paint images, convey historical data, and have a profound effect on human perception. And oh what a sacred thing to be able to do.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of immense human struggle and triumph.

We ask that you are transformed by the power of this story. One too seldom told and one that is yet to be told in the manner you are about to witness.

To share it with you, from its inception to its fruition, has required our complete devotion. We have labored hard and long into the nights and have given new meaning to the word sacrifice in order that we might bathe your senses in music, lights, sound, costumes, visuals, sets, and words.

May our efforts prove to be worthy of your presence.

Many Blessings,

Hannibal Lokumbe
Man of Jonah
Chief Musician
The Tribe Of Jonah

The Jonah People:

A Legacy of Struggle & Triumph

April 13 to 16, 2023 | Schermerhorn Symphony Center

Come As You Are. Leave Transformed.