headshot of Kelly Landry

Kelly Landry

Kelly Landry (Lighting Design) has worked in Nashville since 2007. She is the Resident Assistant Lighting Designer for Nashville Ballet, working with them since 2014. She has designed for their leading company (SUPERSTITIONS 2018, 2021) and the second company (72 STEPS 2019).

She has been a resident artist with abrasiveMedia, where she helped smaller companies create new works in various styles, from visual art installations to dance and aerial arts. One of her favorites was FALL’s A Bending of its Own Kind, presented at OZ in 2017.

Lighting design for Kelly is an essential aspect of storytelling for the stage, creating a space where people can embody their vulnerability and strengths before an audience. She finds her creative inspiration through a variety of art forms, such as textiles, painting, and film. 

She has a BA in Design and Technology for theatre with a lighting emphasis from San Diego State University, CA.