Daniel BRAV Brevil

Daniel "Brav" Brevil  was born into a drumming family. His father, Joseph Brevil, a respected community activist, houngan (Vodou priest), and accomplished drummer, was Daniel's first teacher and source of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration.  As a young boy, Daniel would accompany  his father to the all-night ceremonies in the Vodou temples of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where he was in much demand.

As a student, Daniel deepened his knowledge of Vodou, the religion of the Haitian people, and its drumming, dancing, and singing, as he attended Ecole Nationale des Arts, Haiti's premiere school of the arts.  He is the former Musical Director of Artcho/Ayikodans Company and Tamboula, two of Haiti's premiere folkloric dance troupes.  He is the Musical Director of Rara Tou Limen Haitian Dance Company.  Over the past 25 years, Daniel has worked to foster an understanding of Haiti, its traditions, and its distinct cultural expressions.

Daniel has recorded and performed with luminary figures of Haitian music, such as Azor, Emeline Michel, James Germaine and Daniel Beaubrun (Boukman Eksperyans), among others, as well as the acclaimed jazz-Haitian hybrid ensemble We All Break. His performing career has brought Mr. Brevil to the world's stages including Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guadalupe, Martinique, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Canada, Spain,France, Greece, Japan, Germany, Argentina and Puerto Rico. Theater credits include: "Haiti: The Rhythms, The Dances and The Gods," which starred Danny Glover. Mr. Brevil toured the United Kingdom with the production "Vodou Nation," to critical acclaim, and was a featured orchestra percussionist in the December 2004 Lincoln Center performance "How Papa Noel Forgot Haiti."

Mr. Brevil is an accomplished drum teacher, leading classes and workshops for youth and adults worldwide. He exemplifies a unique insight into the relationship between dance and drum, which informs his compositions, arrangements, performances, and teachings. Most recently Daniel was awarded a grant as master artist in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program, with apprentice Kendrick Freeman. Currently, Daniel teaches drumming to youth at various schools and enrichment programs. Mr. Brevil also conducts TRINITY, a monthly drum, song and dance workshop that demonstrates the intergration of these 3 forms in traditional Haitian culture.